Mentor Program
The mentor program pairs new presenters and attendees with more seasoned veterans to help ease some of the apprehension and make the conference experience a more enjoyable one.
What are the benefits of the program?
For mentees, the program provides an opportunity to network and provides a friendly face throughout the conference weekend. Mentors gain the chance to share their insights and experience.
How does it work?
Mentors and mentees are paired based on their common interests. Before the conference, you will receive an e-mail with the contact information for whom you are paired with. It is best to begin contact as soon as you receive this information.
After we make contact, then what do we do?
Mentors and mentees have a variety of activities to choose from throughout the conference weekend. Activities to choose from include (but are by no means limited to) the following:
A meeting time for mentors and mentees has been scheduled for Friday during the conference. Attendance at this session is recommended but not required.
Discuss the history, focus, and organizational structure of MPCA/ACA
Attend some panels or events, such as the luncheon, together
Meet each other’s friends who are attending
Visit the book exhibit together
I am interested. Where do I sign up?
Sign up to be a mentor or mentee by filling out the form:
MPCA/ACA Mentor Program Signup Form
You can also email gradnewprof@mpcaaca.org. Put “MPCA Mentor Program” in the subject heading. Include the following information in your email:
Department and Institution
Status (Undergrad, graduate, faculty, independent scholar)
Research Interests
A rough estimate of the number of scholarly conferences you’ve attended
Whether you would like to be a mentee or a mentor
What is the deadline?
The deadline for singing up is September 1 of the year of the conference. This is to ensure people are paired in a timely manner.
What if I have more questions?
If you would like more information about this program or if you have questions that are not answered here, please contact our Grad Student New Professional Representative at gradnewprof@mpcaaca.org. Be sure to include “mentor program” or “MPCA” in the subject line.