The name of the not-for-profit corporation shall be the Midwest Popular Culture Association and Midwest American Culture Association.
The purpose of the Midwest Popular Culture Association and Midwest American Culture Association shall be to encourage and to assist in the study of popular culture and the cultures of the Americas: by bringing together the various intellectual disciplines, academic and nonacademic areas included, which may deal with the subject; by fostering interdisciplinary research endeavors; and by encouraging interested persons to study popular culture and to belong to the Association.
The activities of the Association shall be directed by an Executive Council, which shall be composed of the following officers: President; Vice President; Program Chairperson or Committee; Immediate Past President; Student/New Professional Representative; three members-at-large; Journal Editor; Marketing and Web Communication Chair; and Conference Coordinator. The Executive Council shall direct the activities of the MPCA/ACA between the annual meetings. As of August 2023, the President is Julia Largent Kuttler. The Vice-President/President-Elect is Cory Barker. The Program Chairperson is Pam Wicks. The Immediate Past President is Paul Booth. The Student/New Professional Representative is DJ Price. The Members-at-Large are Aisha Powell, Sumitra Srinivasan, and Charles Coletta. The Journal Editor is CarrieLynn Reinhard. The Marketing and Web Communication Chair is vacant. The Conference Coordinator is Paul Booth.
The selection of officers and terms of office shall be as follows. The President shall serve a term of three years, at the end of which time they will become Immediate Past President. The Vice President/President-Elect shall be elected by the membership and shall serve a term of three years, at the end of which time they will become President. The Program Chairperson or Committee shall be elected by the Executive Council for a three-year term, which is renewable. The Immediate Past-President shall serve a term of three years. Terms for members-at-large shall be two-years. At-Large terms are renewable. Elections for At-Large members will be staggered, with at least one every year. Terms for the Student/New Professional Representative shall be two years. The Student/ New Professional Representative and At-large members shall be elected by the membership. The Conference Coordinator shall be elected by the Executive Council for a three-year term, which is renewable. The Journal Editor, Marketing and Web Communication Chair, and Conference Coordinator positions shall be elected by the Executive Council for three-year terms, which are renewable.
The nomination process for positions shall be as follows. The nomination committee will be made up of the Immediate Past President, the President, and one At-Large member, to be chosen at the executive board meeting at the conference. Members of the nominating committee may not be nominated for a position that year. In the case where a member of the Nominating Committee is unavailable to serve, the other members of the committee may still commence work. All members of the organization including the nominating committee may suggest names to the nominating committee. Nominating Committee shall solicit these names beginning at the annual meeting and for the six months following the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall solicit statements from each suggested person and evaluate these statements. They will select from these individuals and compile the slate of candidates. This slate of candidates shall be assembled and presented to the Executive Board by September 01.
Election of officers by the Executive Council shall occur during our executive council meetings or by electronic voting. Election of officers by the membership shall occur at the annual conference by electronic ballot. In the case of a tie the Executive Council shall break the tie by way of secret ballot(s). In the case that no one is running in an election for a position that is voted on by the general membership or that someone resigns, the Executive Council may appoint someone to fill that vacant position for one year of the term or until the next annual conference; however, in this special circumstance, this position must be included in the election at the next annual conference to fill that vacant position.
Executive Council members are expected to attend all the annual conferences and the Executive Council meetings for the duration of their terms. In the case that an Executive Council member cannot attend a meeting, that individual must contact the President and Conference Coordinator to have the absence approved by the board. In the case that a member is not fulfilling their duties, the board may vote to remove that member from their office by a unanimous vote of those present at an Executive Council Board Meeting at the annual conference where a majority of Executive Council members are present. An individual elected by the general membership can appeal to reverse the decision of the Executive Council by the support of two-thirds majority of those voting members present at the annual meeting.
The President will be expected to serve as chairperson of all Executive Council meetings and general membership meetings. If the President is not able to attend a meeting, the Vice President/President-Elect will chair the meeting. The President will be responsible for: ensuring that minutes are recorded for Executive Council meetings and general membership meetings; and coordinating all financial transactions and reports.
The voting members of the Association shall consist of all persons who have paid their annual dues. The amount of the dues and the registration fee for the annual meeting shall be determined by the Executive Council.
Various committees shall be elected or appointed for specific assignments as the Executive Council deems appropriate.
The Association shall hold an annual regional convention at a time and place to be designated by the Executive Council under the recommendation of the Conference Coordinator.
The Association shall publish information on its website and other public forums at such times as the Executive Council shall deem appropriate.
A financial statement shall be issued annually by the Association in the annual meeting, and it shall be the responsibility of the Conference Coordinator to provide the Marketing and Web Communication Chair this annual statement to be posted on the website.
The Bylaws of the Association may be amended by a majority vote (of those voting) of Executive Council members at the annual meeting or by e-mail or by snail mail or by conference telephone call. Changes to the Bylaws will be reported in the minutes of the Executive Council, which will be posted on the MPCA/MACA website as soon as possible after the annual Executive Council meeting. Changes will also be reported in person at the next annual MPCA/MACA annual meeting following the changes. The membership at large may amend by a two-thirds majority of those voting by ballot.
The Executive Council shall create, and on an annual basis review and revise as appropriate, the job descriptions of each of the association’s offices. The President and Conference Coordinator shall provide each officer with the respective job description when the officers assume their duties.
[update after voted approval during August 2023 executive meeting]
Signed: Paul Booth, conference coordinator
Date: Aug 11, 2023